Friday, May 14, 2010

Happy Birthday to ME!!

This year my birthday plans are not so exciting.
But I have already started planning next years birthday!! heehee
Next year my birthday will be so much fun for me because it will be Friday the 13th!
I was born on Friday the 13th!
For now this years b-day has been nice and very low key.
Went out with my mom, soon to be sister inlaw and her mom to go get toes done.
It was fun! Pretty toes!
The nail lady thought I was 14, which I might add is a step up...for me at least! lol
I am now 24.
So I think for my 26th birthday party I will though a sweet 16 party! ;)
Everyone always tells me it such a great thing the look so young....
But I kinda don't care, I find it funny cause I have gotten some pretty good stories because of looking to young.
Like, once I went to Denny's and was handed a kids menu by a guy who was younger than I was.
Story of my life!
Any way, my husband took me out to outback! yummy yummy!
I also have another outing planed with my papa, my stepmom, and my sister.
I'm happy about that.
I'm excited too cause my little brother is having his engagement party this weekend!

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Clean up

My husband and I moved into a little studio apartment in early April.
It has been almost a month later and we are still finishing all the unpacking.
We don't wave a lot of stuff, but going though everything and figuring out where to put it all is kind of a pain in the ass.
I wont to be done!
But there is so much to do, because not only did we move but it is our first place so trying to find the right place for all of OUR crap is a pain.
...and yes by 'our crap' it is mostly mine! yay for me I'm sentimental! but that's what happens when ya get a wife so haha ninner ninner booboo...
The place is starting to look nice though.
Man I tell you what it would take me even longer to clean up if I didn't have my husband.
Because I tend to slowly, I mill about when I clean my house, but when that guy starts to clean up he really gets down and dirty! And on top of that he is fast too.
Yay for me again!!