Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Well, whats up with you?

I'm back.....moohoohaha
It has been like almost two months! wow were dose the time go. I thought hey I will start a blog and it will be fun! yay! And mostly it has been fun but then life gets going and don't make the time to blog it...but whatever I am here now.
In the last two months my step mom had her baby boy!
That was so amazing and he is the cutes!
I got a job working at an after school program and I am really enjoying it. I work with mostly first and second graders.
My brother had a big benefit in his honor in Monterey and Phil Keaggy played!
It was so awesome and so much fun!
I only wish I did not have to come strait home.
My husband and I got a dog!!!!!!!!!!! Its a girl her name is Bella and we love her so much! She has been huge blessing to have! She makes us so very happy!! We have been saying that she fits in so well with us because she is a dork just like us! She dose this hop thing when she is getting her bone and she has a foot fetish! I think its funny but the hubby said its creepy. lol!
We also just celebrated our SEVEN year anniversary! yay!
We have no monies so we did not go out of town like I would have liked but we did have a great time with some old friends and some news ones too!
Another new thing is that my hubby is going to be a firefighter!
He has started taking classes and working towards his new goal!
I am proud of him, he has been working on school and dieting.
I am mostly proud because he has been sticking with it, and that has not always been the case with him.
I am looking forward to the next few months, because these last ones have been nice
Here are some pics.

This is the newest member of the fam!

This is my new doggie!
She is the sweetest dog!
I like this pic cause she is holding the rope!

Monday, August 2, 2010

Ramble Ramlbe

I have my doctors appointment today.
Lil nerves because it has been a while since my last one.
My cough has increased, and so I have been getting tried easy.
And living upstairs in my apartment has not been the greatest sometimes.
And this last weekend my stomach hurt one day and bad (I think gas) pains the nest day.
I got asked if I think that I would be put in....
and well, I don't know
I don't really think about it because I don't want to convince myself that I am sick enough to be put in and have that weighing over my head until my actual appointment.
It just makes things gloomy for me and I have dinner plans damn it!
idk it just that the hospital is so boring when your not sick enough to sleep though it.
Or at least that is how it is for me...
And on the other hand maybe I am sick but not sick enough to go in!
Maybe I can get some meds to do at home!
...well I will just see what happens...
well I guess enough ramblings from me, for now

Monday, July 26, 2010


I am excited!
My little sister starts kindergarten today!
Brian is at work!
My mother in law is coming to stay this week!
Josh was in town this weekend!
Jake, my brother, is going to have a pool party soon!
Its been and going to be really nice!
I like being excited about having my mother in law stay.
I have the best mother in law.
She is planning on moving back to Stockton to be closer to her kids.
But secretly she is really coming home to encourage us to give her grand kids!
I need a brake from kids before I make my own.
I have been a baby sitter for five years! I need a brake!
And most importantly my lover understands that.
I am happy to hear from my step mom about obgyn's that have had cystic patients in town.
I my not want kids now , but I will some time soon and I want to be prepared before the time comes.
I really need to get healthy before any babies.
My biggest problem, other than exercise, is weight.
I am so tiny, I hate being so small.
Its weird talking to people sometimes because I have the opposite problem,
I need to gain 15 pounds not loose it!
I think since I am not going to babysit full time any more I really need to focus on eating and exercise while I look for new work.
Wish me luck!

Monday, July 19, 2010

The end is near

This morning I am feeling a little sad, I am a babysitter and have been for five years. But this morning is the start of my last week as a babysitter. Next Monday I will be trying to find a new job and saving up so that I can go back to school.
I have been feeling the need for change for some time now.
But I will miss my two little girls.
I have enjoyed my time with both girls,
and soon I will be moving on.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Time sure dose fly!

It has been like two months since my last post, and a lot has happened. My husband got laid off, I stopped babysitting one little one and by the end of next week I will be out of work. Want to through the never ending 'you need to do' list out the damb window. My little sister had her fifth birthday party today!! That was a lot of fun. But my dumb ass forgot the camera. Went to Ikea. My step mom is prego and is due in September. Very exciting stuff!! Crossed some 'you need to do's' off the list. YAY! Then added more. My hubby and I feel in love with a dog, a lab/pit bull mix, but we can't get a pet until we get a new job :( ...we even picked a name, pearl.... My brother in law came up for a visit and is going to move back up soon. I decided that I need to go finish my three classes so that I can get my AA degree (The thing that really sucks for me is by the time I had gotten serious about going back to school it was too late for me this semester. But Fall semester here I come baby!! I so need to go back to school, I am bored and I need a challenge.) I also decided that I want to study so that I can be a Physical Therapist. Josh road an 18 mile, on a totally awesome vintage bike, for Bike For Breath!!!! Some of the people that met my brother were amazed and wowed that he is for months out of a double lung transplant and was there participating in the event. But for us family members whom had the opportunity to go were not surprised by my brothers ability to be outstanding! I think that's about it, it as been fun and stressful but that's life! o ya, finally made that Dr appointment and I got new pills for the first time! I'd been on ultrase since forever but they discontinued so now they gave me creon. yay for pills.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Happy Birthday to ME!!

This year my birthday plans are not so exciting.
But I have already started planning next years birthday!! heehee
Next year my birthday will be so much fun for me because it will be Friday the 13th!
I was born on Friday the 13th!
For now this years b-day has been nice and very low key.
Went out with my mom, soon to be sister inlaw and her mom to go get toes done.
It was fun! Pretty toes!
The nail lady thought I was 14, which I might add is a step up...for me at least! lol
I am now 24.
So I think for my 26th birthday party I will though a sweet 16 party! ;)
Everyone always tells me it such a great thing the look so young....
But I kinda don't care, I find it funny cause I have gotten some pretty good stories because of looking to young.
Like, once I went to Denny's and was handed a kids menu by a guy who was younger than I was.
Story of my life!
Any way, my husband took me out to outback! yummy yummy!
I also have another outing planed with my papa, my stepmom, and my sister.
I'm happy about that.
I'm excited too cause my little brother is having his engagement party this weekend!

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Clean up

My husband and I moved into a little studio apartment in early April.
It has been almost a month later and we are still finishing all the unpacking.
We don't wave a lot of stuff, but going though everything and figuring out where to put it all is kind of a pain in the ass.
I wont to be done!
But there is so much to do, because not only did we move but it is our first place so trying to find the right place for all of OUR crap is a pain.
...and yes by 'our crap' it is mostly mine! yay for me I'm sentimental! but that's what happens when ya get a wife so haha ninner ninner booboo...
The place is starting to look nice though.
Man I tell you what it would take me even longer to clean up if I didn't have my husband.
Because I tend to slowly, I mill about when I clean my house, but when that guy starts to clean up he really gets down and dirty! And on top of that he is fast too.
Yay for me again!!

Saturday, April 24, 2010


I really like the dripping sap on this tree.

Just another day as a bizzzzy bizzzzy bee!

Friday, April 23, 2010

Free Time

I am finding that I know have a hole lot of free time in the evenings...so what is a girl to do with so much time??? And I can say from experience!
Nothing...well, play on the computer type of nothing ;)
For a woman with so many "need to do's", as my husband calls them, I surely would find something to do right?
I sit on the computer and look crap up, and play on the web!
...well., crap, I don't know...
Lately when I get home I don't wont to do anything but sit on my butt.
This makes no sense to me but it's what I have been doing.
My hubby was out of work for a while and in March he got a job. Yay!
But the new job hours leaves me lonely in the evenings, for now.
Sadly when we do get to be together I get out my(our) "need to do" list.
I've been asking myself why I tend to do this?
And I have come up with that I don't like to do things alone.
Sad? I don't know, it just is what it is.
I have things to do too! House crap that someone needs to do. Some of which I want to do. I just can not muster up the motivation to do.
....it's poop...
And even after writing this blog can I get up to do anything?
I just look at my "need to do's"
.....and star....no movement....no motivation....
OOOOOO! If I add a sigh to the lack of movement I can be even more pathetic!
hahahahahahah yay!

Thursday, January 28, 2010


Having fun with my sister.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Man of the Hour

I am intrigued by people.
In my life there have been many people I have found inspiring.
One of the people I find so dazzling is my very own Joshie.

Joshua Mompean is one of my brothers,
(I have two more plus a sister whom are also just as awesome!)
He is Mr. Hawk the superhero!
He is also in the middle of the biggest fight of his life.

We have Cystic Fibrosis.
His is way worse...dad says I always skated through it...
He has been through more then I can ever put onto a page.
Joshua Mompean, my Joshie, is a fighter!

Along with being a brother, he's also a husband, a son, a grandson, a talker (its the Mompean curse lol), caring, a family, loving, a pain in the ass, what!...yes sometimes all there is...is what!, giving, a man of the lord, sarcastic, a teacher, a forever student, LOUD, a friend, a hero and many others.

As a side note, I really wanted to put awesome, amazing and super good in front of some of those but..I thought that is would be a little much!

He is a fellow I have looked up to.
I love my brother.
I love my siblings.

They are wonderful, we love each othere very much and life wouldn't
have been so wonderful without them.

My brother and I are very much a like and very different.
We have a special bond and he will always have a speacial place in my heart.
No matter where he might be.

My only sadness is that I cannot be with him at this time,
as much as my heart desires, when in his life he needs suport from his famliy and friends.
Check out his story from age 3 here, to 26 here

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Brilliant Sky

This holiday was a new one for me.
For the first time I spent it with a new family.
This year my husband and I spent our, first married, Christmas and New Years
with his side of the family.
(also the first Christmas I did send with mine.)
It was..I would say everything ha ha.
Crazy,very new, fun, crappy, exciting, frustrating, funny as hell, worried, and filled with music!
Brian (my wonderful husband), his brother and the cousins watched the Hangover...
They learned all the words to the Dug song and would not stop singing it all week!!!
And I mean the HOLE week and half we were there!
Hell I could not get the song out of my head the fist two days we were home.
The trip was good one.
Visiting with family who are awesome and now I! get to call my own!
So exciting!!
One of my favorite moments was when Brain and I were on the plane.
We had to book one of the super, balls early fights and as much and that sucked (for me) we were able to see the sunrise.
And for a girl who can be sentimental it was amazing.
Every time I see who wonderful the sky can be, I always think of my grandparents.
My grandpa dead when my papa was a kid so I have never met him.
But I have heard all about him my hole life.
And one thing I have heard for my grandma countless times is that he told her that the clouds and the sky are gods paintings.
Seeing sunsets and sunrises are extra special for me because of my family.
So the morning my new husband and I were on our way spend our first holiday away for my side of family was hard for me, but seeing the sky that morning made...my worry and sadness disappear.
Looking out the tiny window to see the bright pink sky made me happy.
It almost looking like the sky was burning pink it was so brilliant.
Thinking of grandparents and my new family made me excited for the coming holidays.
And tiered as hell because Brian and I hadn't slept.
After watching the sunrise we fell asleep on each other,
it was one of those rear romantic moments.
Only to be awoken by someone on the speak whom had set the volume to the loudest possible!
And my rear romantic moment was ruined!
Scared the crap out of us.